72 Seasons

There are 24 solar terms and 72 seasons to describe the seasons.

The “24 solar terms” divide the year into 24 periods of about 2 weeks each, and show the change of seasons. The “72 seasons” are 72 periods of 4-5 days each.

Today, October 14th, is in the middle of the transition from cold dew to frost.

It doesn’t really feel like it, but according to the calendar, it is late autumn.

In Tokyo, it’s not yet cold enough to be called late autumn, but

in the north and mountainous regions, it will soon be the season when frost falls in the mornings and evenings.

In the 72 seasons, it is around the time of “chrysanthemum blooming” (when chrysanthemum flowers start to bloom).

The first sign of the cold dew season is when the wild geese arrive, the next is when the chrysanthemums bloom, and the last is when autumn insects begin to chirp at the door.