Robert from Canada tries calligraphy

On Friday, Robert from Canada tried out calligraphy.
It was his first trip to Japan and it was only his third day there.
He said, “Tokyo is complicated but wonderful! Japanese people are very kind.” He seemed to be enjoying his trip very much.
He spent the two hours between those two hours trying out calligraphy.

Robert was also eager to learn Japanese,
so he answered my broken English in broken Japanese,
and I felt like we were able to communicate quite well through our broken Japanese ^^

This was his first time doing calligraphy, so in order to properly convey the brush strokes,
we practiced with the character “川” (river),
but it seemed quite difficult for him ^^;

In order to make it fun within the limited time available,
it would be boring to spend too much time just practicing,
so we had him try out his own name.

It seems that his lines come out more vividly when he writes according to his own instincts.
He was able to write a very tasteful “Robert.”

Robert describes himself as a “stubborn old man,” but I get the impression that he has a strong desire for knowledge and curiosity, so I thought of a name written in Chinese characters that would combine both his image and mine. I chose “羅博得”.

I chose a difficult kanji with so many strokes that he couldn’t even write it, but he really liked it ^^

“I’ll try practicing calligraphy when I get back to Canada,” he said,
and I was glad that he took the sample home with him.

I would like to increase the opportunities for people from overseas to enjoy this as well.