Today’s participant is traveling from America.
Rebecca and Mark.
They both have really good intuition!
Mark has studied Japanese a little,
so it was helpful that he knew kanji and could understand simple Japanese ^^

This was Rebecca’s first calligraphy experience, but she quickly mastered how to hold the brush and write by hand,
and even though she kept saying “it’s difficult, it’s difficult,” she produced calligraphy with strokes and flaps that put even Japanese people to shame!

Rebecca is so good that after practicing the tome and harai for “mizu” and “ei”,
she was able to practice a variety of characters in 90 minutes, from practicing her own name in katakana and hiragana to her favorite words.

The last step was to write the final drawing on the fan, and both of them came out better than they had expected, so they were very happy with the result!

In fact, they got lost on the way and took a long time to get to the classroom,
so when they arrived at the classroom, they were pretty tired
because of the hot and humid weather,
but they gradually became more and more absorbed in the calligraphy,
and at the end, they were so excited that they even enjoyed cooling off with the fans they had finished ^^

I asked them to try more characters than usual,
so I ended up writing a lot of examples ^^;

They brought back lots of examples, so I hope they can enjoy calligraphy in America too!
I hope that more foreign tourists will continue to participate in the calligraphy experience.